•                                             SUMMARY OF   OUR CURRENT PROJECT ACTIVITIES 


 Developing Partnership - South to South  and North to South

ACDF Team has worked with  Somaliland Nursing & Midwifery  Association  www.slnma.org and  Life for African Mothers - www.lifeforafricanmothers.org  and  International Health Partners www.ihpuk.org.  Our professional and advocacy role has resulted in the provision of over 130,000 supply  Misoprostol sufficient over 30,000 free medical.  ACDF hereby express wholehearted appreciation to the  Officials of the Ministry of Health Development especial Rt. Hon. Mahdi Osman- Deputy Minister , Somaliland Nursing Association lead by  Ms. Fousia Mohamed   and Life for African Mohamed lead by Ms. Angela Gorman, MBE and equally International Health Partners for the outstanding support and provision the medication.

Women's in Health Leadership  Training

As part of Collaborative  UK and Somaliland Project, we have partners with Cardiff University - Phoenix Project  and with support of the Somaliland Ministry of Health Development submitted a project proposal the  THET  managed Health Partnership Scheme (HPS), funded by the UK Department for International Development, unfortunately this project did not secure funding from UK Government.  We remain in search of funding for Women's in Leadership Training. 

Mental Health Advocacy  Support

 As result of the civil war that ended in 1991, we have huge number of people requiring support in mental  including Mental Health Services.  As Advocate, we are lobbying number of international NGO to address the issue of mental health in Somaliland.  We hope this will produce concert steps to launch a campaign of awareness raising and collaborative project.

Community Health Worker training program
ACDF is highly committed to using Technology to bring changes and we are lobbying and advocating on the use of e-learning in the provision of training for Community Health Workers and looking for sponsorship and collaborators in this unique field.

Somaliland National Archive project
We are working with the Somaliland National TV to seek support in developing national Archive of the footages of films taken over 30 years to be digitalized.   We therefore seek collaborations with UK based Institutions to support us.
There is also need for capacity Building of the Ministry of Information and National Guidance, which responsible for both public and private TV's and Radio Staff to trained in all sort of skills  to enhance their knowledge .   

ACDF is very delighted that Somaliland has adopted Civic Education under the Leadership of the Ministry of Parliamentary and Constitutional Affairs and Ministry of Education and Science. We collaborators via our extensive membership of 12,000 LinkedIn members and wish to use our good Office as  Collaborative Agent to further developed this important areas  of good governance.   

We also identified the need to review existing Laws that been enacted in Somaliland, need for drafting of Legislations and exposure visits by Government, Parliamentary  and Judiciary Officials.       

As Diaspora lead but homeland based NGO, our key partner is the Somaliland Diaspora Agency under the mandate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Somaliland.  We submitted a concept Note to further develop Diaspora Volunteering in partnership with  UN International Organisation for  Migration (IOM), Somaliland\Somalia Office to undertake mapping of the needs for Volunteering in Somaliland, type of Skills required and placement and support needed by Diaspora Volunteers.

ACDF has successfully recruited over 50 farmers on beekeeping project on partly funded by the Wales Government (UK) and co-manged by Bee for Development.  We provided training to local farmers and we envisage to lobby for number of other related activities such Tree planting. We  have also provided in our Farm basic training to local farmers on farming technicities but our limited resources is not enough  and have draft concept note/proposal and looking for funders.  


ACDF has been lobbying to establish TVET Centre during the last three years and has made progress with  expert of volunteers being recruited this year  and with discussion taking place with partners in UK, Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia. We are pleased with level o support received from the Somaliland Ministry of Education and Science mandated with the provision of  TVET  in Somaliland.  Thee sector needs extensive resources not financial but skilled instructors to produce the workforce needed for successful integration of Somaliland into the regional economies and opportunities presented by the Berbers Port Management under DP World.