About US

ACDF was established in 2011 and formally registered as a local non-governmental, non-profit making and non-political, relief and development organisation in 2015 with the object of making a difference in the development of communities in the Horn and East of Africa Region with specific emphasis on Somaliland. The key people involved in the promotion of the organisation are professional Somalilanders resident in the UK and Somaliland. For the past twenty years, ACDF promoters have established collaboration with the local authorities, community, LNGOs and INGOs operating in Somaliland as a way of contributing to their homeland.



ACDF Vision, is to empower communities, individuals, institutions for the betterment of quality of life, livelihoods and empower men and women in all aspects of life including socio-economic and organisational capacity in responding to identified need.


ACDF believes and is convinced that it is their mandate and obligation to mobilize, involve and educate the community at all levels to ensure particularly, the most vulnerable, the poor of the poorest children, men, women, and youths to be empowered and lead a dignified life.  

The Values & Guiding Principles: -

Our guiding principles and core values which underpin the execution of our organisation day to day work are detailed below:-

•     Mutual respect and trust

•     Teamwork and team building

•     Honesty and integrity

•     Accountability and transparency

•     Respect for others

•     Respect for people’s cultures, and values

•     We treat each other as valued colleagues.

•     We advocate vigorously but responsibly in our areas of focus.

The core objectives of ACDF are as follows:-  

1.     To Contribute to the empowerment of the women through democracy and good governance

2.     To Encourage farming and agriculture

3.   To Educate and raise awareness on the significance of women’s participation in the state governance.

4.     To Promote community health and hygiene

5.     To Create awareness on child protection

6.     To create jobs and capacity Building

7.     To promote Enterprise and Trade

8.     To Establish and run an Accredited Training and Education Centre

9.     To promote Advocacy for various sectors of Government, Business and NGO’s